What Shoxl users are saying.

The facilities offered by Shoxl shops to quickly and easily find and order products not only make customers happy, but also lead to them ordering more. Shoxl users have been seeing figures amounting to several dozens of percentages immediately after their new shop has gone live. These numbers concern not only new customers, but are the particular result of increased turnover from the existing customer base.

Giving clients access to their own data in your ERP-systems, such as information on order status and on previous orders, directly leads to improved customer satisfaction. After all, there is no more need to contact your business for that information. And the same goes for the up-to-date information on inventory status and the direct insight into customer-specific prices.

Clients who can complete their own orders, and can find all of the information they would normally contact you front-office for online by themselves, mean reduced pressure on your sales division. In addition, you avoid the costs of incorrect order entry. The capacity thus freed up can be put to better use, to improve service levels or to bolster your sales division, for example. Or simply reduce your costs, thus improving your profitability.